Makers of Seasonal Sweetness


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Maud Borup Moves Up On The Fast 50 List — Ranked No. 20 in 2023

Certifications + Credentials

We’re on a mis­sion to sweet­en the world in which we live, work and play. Maud Borup is proud to part­ner with best-in-class orga­ni­za­tions that set a high stan­dard for inclu­sive prac­tices, eth­i­cal stan­dards and envi­ron­men­tal responsibility.

We bal­ance peo­ple and pur­pose with prof­its every sug­ar-dust­ed step of the way.

We are women-owned and oper­at­ed. Sim­ply put, Maud would not have want­ed it any oth­er way.

We are a vet­er­an-owned com­pa­ny, proud­ly serv­ing sweet­ness across the nation.

We work hard to keep taste­buds hap­py, while meet­ing the high­est stan­dards of food safe­ty and quality. 

Copy of B Corp Tile 3

We use fair-trade cer­ti­fied choco­late because we feel it’s impor­tant to con­tribute to a sus­tain­able and inclu­sive economy.

Hot chocolate

What’s Droppin!

Seasonal Bombs are the Bomb Diggity

See New Flavors!

Christine lantinen

Who We Are

Christine Lantinen, President

Chris­tine Lan­ti­nen has been lead­ing the choco­late-cov­ered charge since 2005.

Read our story

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