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Summer Cocktails

Sum­mer­time is full of patio nights, lake days, and relax­ing moments. Impress your fam­i­ly and friends with these fun sum­mer sweets-inspired cock­tails! We can’t promise they’ll bring extra sun­shine BUT we can promise smiles :)

Each recipe was hand­craft­ed by our Prod­uct Devel­op­ment Spe­cial­ist Jes­si­ca, aka Chef­fi­ca, who has an accom­plished career as a head chef in hotspots across the country.

Dragonfruit martini

Dragonfruit Cotton Candy Martini 

makes 1 cocktail

3 oz drag­on­fruit vod­ka, such as Sved­ka Pure Infu­sions Drag­on­fruit Mel­on
1 oz triple sec, such as Grand Marnier or Coin­treau
1 whisp of Maud Borup Organ­ic Mag­ic Drag­on Cot­ton Candy

1. Fill a cock­tail shak­er half full with ice, pour in vod­ka and orange liqueur, shake 
2. Pour con­tents into a chilled mar­ti­ni glass
3. Place whisp of cot­ton can­dy into glass, stir

Find the Maud Borup prod­ucts used in this recipe at some of these retail­ers: Hyvee, Gar­den Spot Foods, and Whole Foods.

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Watermelon Smash 

makes 1 cocktail

12 cup water­mel­on, diced
6 – 8 mint leaves
1 oz water­mel­on vod­ka, such as Smirnoff Infu­sions Water­mel­on + Mint Vod­ka
4 oz sparkling water
1 whisp of Maud Borup Water­mel­on Cot­ton Candy

1. Mud­dle water­mel­on with mint in the bot­tom of your glass
2. Pour in vod­ka and add ice
3. Top with sparkling water
4. Place the whisp of the cot­ton can­dy into glass, stir
5. Gar­nish with cot­ton can­dy and mint

Find the Maud Borup prod­ucts used in this recipe at Wal-Mart stores near you.


Gummy Bear Sangria

makes 8, 6 oz cocktails

1 750 ml bot­tle of white wine 
12 cup peach liqueur 
12 of a peach, cut into slices
12 of a green apple, cut into slices
12 cup green grapes
12 cup pineap­ple, diced
1 cup gum­my bears or oth­er gum­my can­dy
12 oz lemon lime soda or gin­ger ale
16 Maud Borup Fruity Peach Rings, for garnish 

1. Mix all ingre­di­ents in a pitch­er except the soda
2. Let sit in the fridge for 24 hours 
3. Add ice and soda to pitch­er and stir
4. Serve in indi­vid­ual glass­es and gar­nish with Fruity Peach Rings

Find the Maud Borup prod­ucts used in this recipe at a Hyvee near you.

**These recipes are intend­ed for adults and should be con­sumed only by those above the age of 21. Vis­it our Gum­my Kebabs + Fruity Mock­tails blog post for tasty kid friend­ly beverages!

Marquee assortment

What We Do

We cre­ate sea­son­al sweets, snacks, and food gifts for retail part­ners and spe­cial­ty stores nation­wide. And because inno­va­tion and sus­tain­abil­i­ty are as fun­da­men­tal as qual­i­ty and taste, most of our day-to-day oper­a­tions cul­mi­nate in a zero land­fill waste facility.

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