Pumpkin Spice
Time to Spice Things Up

We’d like to intro­duce you to your new favorite drink. We just launched a Pump­kin Spice Hot Cocoa Bomb that will knock your meri­no wool socks off. It’s made with white choco­late, fla­vored with pump­kin extract, and filled with mini marshmallows.

Pumpkin HCB

It’s a great way to treat your­self but also makes a per­fect gift. So, pick one up for every­one on your list, along with our Pump­kin Stir Spoon. These tasty prod­ucts can be found at HyVee, The Fresh Mar­ket, Ross and Crack­er Barrel.

Marquee assortment

What We Do

We cre­ate sea­son­al sweets, snacks, and food gifts for retail part­ners and spe­cial­ty stores nation­wide. And because inno­va­tion and sus­tain­abil­i­ty are as fun­da­men­tal as qual­i­ty and taste, most of our day-to-day oper­a­tions cul­mi­nate in a zero land­fill waste facility.

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