Burrito Easter Feature
Too Hip To Hop

This Spring we’ve put all our eggs in one basket — developing some of the sweetest treats. Whether you’re filling baskets or hosting friends and family, our latest sweets and snacks will bring a smile to everybunny. Let’s hop to it.

Pop­ping can­dy and sur­prise sweets are at top of our list this Spring. We are excit­ed to bring our Cot­ton Can­dy Bur­ri­to, White Fudge Bun­ny with Pop­ping Can­dy and White Fudge Egg Sur­prise to sweet tooth’s around the coun­try. As cat­e­gories, we con­tin­ue to see strong suc­cess in cot­ton can­dy and choco­late — and we strive to bring new inno­va­tion to the beloved and nos­tal­gic sweets. Addi­tion­al­ly, we believe that enjoy­ing treats should be an expe­ri­ence — whether you nib­ble your way through Pop­ping Cot­ton Can­dy or are delight­ed by the treats inside our Egg Sur­prise we know you will snack with a smile.

Popping Candy Bunny
Popping Bunny and Gummy
Bunny Cone
Marquee assortment

What We Do

We cre­ate sea­son­al sweets, snacks, and food gifts for retail part­ners and spe­cial­ty stores nation­wide. And because inno­va­tion and sus­tain­abil­i­ty are as fun­da­men­tal as qual­i­ty and taste, most of our day-to-day oper­a­tions cul­mi­nate in a zero land­fill waste facility.

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